Yesterday was such a fun day filled with insurance companies, vac change, and school supply shopping!

My day started off with a text from my home nurse (the oh so awesome Angie!) saying that now that I'm back to work, I'm no longer homebound so they won't cover her to do my vac changes. :-( We had our sniffles about not getting our Angie/Katena fixes but promised we'd get together soon. I called the Wound Clinic and the great nurses there whittled an appt for me.

I was bumming because Angie and I have literally gone through all this together. (yes I've had great support from family and friends too) We've been in the "trenches" together and she's been a fighter on my behalf from making sure the insurance lady gets visits approved to cheering me on after doctor visits (and helping me out with all the new baby advice and paraphernalia!). So she's become a bit of a security blanket. It was hard to think of her not being there when I'm finally healed. But then the Woo Hoo moment came! She called and said we got approved for the 2 vac changes this week! Woo Hoo!!! It was hilarious when I called the Wound Clinic to let them know I didn't need to come in after all because insurance did a turnabout, the receptionist did a Woo Hoo! I thought, you don't know how appropriate you are!

So my next Woo Hoo moment came in my measurements from my vac change. This last "pocket" (yeah there have been a few) started out at 5 cm when we "discovered" it. It was at 2.5 cm at my appt on Monday. Yesterday it was 2 cm!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!! There's a light at the end of this tunnel and I feel pretty confident it's not a train! Hoping I can get the vac off on Monday. Here's to keeping fingers crossed and praying constantly! :-)

I also took Katie and Kendall school shopping for all their supplies. What an experience! Shelves were literally bare! I found most of it but will have to grab odds & ends today or over the weekend. How are my babies in Kindergarten and First Grade! *sigh* it's going by so fast!!!

Today's Woo Hoo moment was a small one but still counts none the less! With all my weight loss after having Kennedy, I've been having to "shop" in the back of my closet for all my old "skinny" clothes. I grabbed a shirt and pants that I haven't worn in years because they were too tight. I put in the pants and they fit!!! On a side note I decided not to wear them because they were a little tight and showed my trac for the vac. A little anonymity is nice. I know everyone sees me carrying around my little "friend" but they don't need to see all the details. Anywho, sorry for the side tracking! I put the shirt on and it was HUGE on me! It's a tailored shirt that nips in to make a person look a little more hourglass as opposed to apple shape. So it's supposed to fit a little better. But alas, it was too big and I'm probably going to have to admit that it looks a little frumpy. But I think until I hit that bottom weight I'll just have to deal with loose and ill fitting clothes. What a difference almost 50 lbs can make!

So I'm off to find more Woo Hoo moments for the day. Looking for the positive instead of dwelling on the negative has vastly improved my outlook and how I look at everything! Woo Hoo!!!

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