Kendall said prayer last night. We've been trying to teach the girls about personalizing their prayers and not just saying the same one over and over. Kendall's tend to be rather long winded and consist of blessing everything AND the kitchen sink. :-) but every now and then She has a real moment of sweetness or a sign that she's really getting it.

Last night's prayer she asked Heavenly Father to "please bless Mama's wound vac so it can make her all better so we can travel again." Out of the mouths of babes! I love this girl! Even though it might be a little self serving on her part (she really wants to go to St Louis and Bartelso!), I love that she loves me enough to think of such a little thing!

So my woo Hoo moment is my sweet baby girl praying for me. I know it's not much, but I really had to leave the room and shed a few tears. Just the pure love of a child... And it's for me! Truly a humbling experience. Just a blurb for her, a learning experience for me. :-)

Have a great day all! Hoping to have a great woo Hoo moment for today!

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