I really need to get better at this whole blog thing! I always think of topics I'd like to talk about and then life gets in the way. I'm so exhausted lately! Gee... I don't know why that could be... Having an almost 6 month old... Nah! That can't be it!

So here's my latest status. I've pretty much told just close family but I think it's time to extend it to everyone else to harness the power of prayer... Tomorrow, Dustin and I consult with a surgeon about my wound. Dr Birsic is an awesome surgeon here at BPS who is also a wound doctor at the wound clinic. My wound has begun to grow bigger and tunnel again. So the time has come for a few changes.

So we are meeting with the surgeon to see about other options. Most likely option is an additional surgery to reopen the wound, clean it out and start all over again. So it's hard to think about all these steps backward but I'm learning that sometimes you need to take a few steps back in order to go forward.

So I'm asking all my friends and family who are the praying kind to say a few prayers for us tomorrow. I'm hoping for good news but am willing to do anything to get this healed. I have a very active little one to keep up with and her 2 big sisters aren't exactly the kinds to sit idly by either. :-)
My three cuties!
I was reading a friend's blog this morning. (Super early since Kennedy apparently liked Midnight last night) and she was talking about choosing to look for the positives and blessings in life in the fave of adversities. (Excuse the long runon sentence)I was reminded that my purpose in this blog was looking for life's woo Hoo

So in all this, what are my woo hoo moments? Well our Bishop is constantly talking about Smart Women Say No and Do Less. When a person begins to feel overwhelmed and stressed, the natural reaction is to speed up and try to do more. This adds to the stress and creates a viscous cycle. Bishop says what we need to do is slow down, say no more often and decrease the stress.

I'm learning that this is definitely true. Through the past 6 months (well 2 years really) I've learned that I've just pushed myself to the brink and need to take a step back. Case in point, Thanksgiving. I have had it at our house for 3 years now. I always kill myself making 2 turkeys and a ton of sides and desserts. This year we did 1 turkey and I only made the dinner rolls. I let everyone else make the sides and desserts and guess what! There was enough food for everyone and my fridge wasn't overflowing with leftovers! (Although I miss the leftover turkey...) we actually ate on time. We didn't have to rush around to get to our other Thanksgiving on time. We were all relaxed and were able to just enjoy ourselves. There just may be something to this slowing down thing...
My little troublemaker and her "horns"!

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